SOFI is ...
a not-for-profit organisation wishing to contribute actively to the domestication of money and finance, responding to situations of market failure and lack of financial access, or developing instruments that contribute to the common good.
SOFI was born ...
out of the social finance movements which have (re-) emerged internationally during the last three decades: microfinance, mutual banking, local currency systems, community finance and eco-banking. The conviction shared by the network of people and organisations gathered through SOFI is that money is not a given thing of which people are mere victims but rather an object to be designed to serve needs and purposes. It is up to us to take charge of it and to give it the right shape: “money is a good servant but a bad master”, as the saying goes. Our wish is precisely to improve our understanding of how it makes us servile while trying to make it a better servant, from the street level to the international level.
SOFI is a not-for-profit association ...
legally registered under Belgian law. The association receives no institutional funding of any sort. It relies on voluntary support, donations, fees on services and trainings provided and project finance designed on a case-by-case basis depending on the stakeholders involved. EU funds are a regular source of such project finance. Yet a core attention goes on minimising our overhead costs to ensure that the mere survival of the organisation does not become our only and eventual drive.